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Claudia Robles-Angel

Claudia Robles-Angel is an interdisciplinary artist currently living in Cologne-Germany and active worldwide. Her work and research cover different aspects of visual and sound art, which span from audiovisual fixed-media compositions to performances and/or installations featuring the interaction with bio-data via the usage of interfaces such as, for example EEG (electroencephalogram), measuring brain-wave activity.  She has also worked with Butoh performers in some of her pieces featuring bio-signals. The conceptual ideas behind this Japanese expressive dance have strongly inspired her performances ever since. 


She has been artist-in-residence in several institutions, amongst the most important, ZKM Center in Karlsruhe, KHM in Cologne (both in Germany) and the Stichting IK, in Vlissingen, the Netherlands.


Her practice and aesthetical approach are inspired by the purposes of making the invisible, visible and the inaudible, audible, therefore, finding artistic ways to perceive the imperceptible. Either in installations, audiovisual compositions or performances, this approach reflects a permanent search for the creation of immersive spaces, for example, by inviting visitors and audiences not only to dip into the audiovisual environment but often also to participate with their own imperceptible physiological manifestations (e.g., with their brainwaves, heartbeats or other types of bio-signals).


Her work is constantly featured around the globe not only in the most important media and sound-based festivals and/or conferences but also in worldwide renown exhibition centers, such as the ZKM Center in Karlsruhe; Bauhaus Museum für Gestaltung Berlin, KIBLA Multimedia Centre in Maribor; Aires de Conflu(x)ence - European Capitals of Culture Luxembourg and Sibiu, the International Computer Music Conferences (ICMC) in Copenhagen, Montréal and Utrecht; Fundación Telefónica Buenos Aires; the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF); the SIGGRAPH Asia in Yokohama; the Re-New Festival in Copenhagen; the New Interfaces for Musical Expression Conference (NIME); Patterns+Pleasure: STEIM, Amsterdam, The International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Camp Festival - 55th Venice Biennale; Audio Art Festival Cracow; Symposium on Computer Music (CMMR) Plymouth and Marseille; Harvestworks-Digital Media Arts Center New York City; Museum of Contemporary Art Bogotá, MADATAC 07 Madrid. 

Further information about her work at:  

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